Momentum for Moving Forward

Leadership Coaching by Zoe Dryden

Tailored solutions for business growth, personal & professional development


Tēnā Koe, greetings to you

Reach out for a free and confidential alignment and clarification call, where we can explore what support you might be after and the best options available. All calls are confidential.

Leadership Services

Leadership in Action empowers leaders to build the skills and qualities they need to move their teams, projects, organisations and, most importantly, themselves forward.

Leadership In Action Blog

Zoe's tips, insights, empathy and inspiration to enhance your leadership skills.

Leadership In Action Blog

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Private coaching and support packages

Ideal for people who are:

  • Being promoted into a position of further responsibility and influence and need support to identify the skills and behaviours needed to match their greater responsibility.
  • In a state of significant transition or change (including new appointments or company exits) and want to recover and realign themselves to a new direction.
  • Wanting to grow and discover how to increase their impact and influence.
  • In need of a little help i.e. maybe they are feeling stuck, demotivated, overwhelmed or unsure in their role.

14-day programme in Nepal

Humility-based leadership

From effective and intelligent management to effective and inspirational leadership, the Second Base experience will instill awareness and enhance perspective. You will learn lessons to take away, and leave behind a valuable contribution to the community that supported you.

Leadership In Action Clients Include:

Flagship Workshops

One-day strategy sessions

Two-day private workshops

14-day Humility-based leadership programme

As seen and heard on:

Leadership In Action